K-Space (Advanced)
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Advanced k-space Q&A's
- Why is k-space drawn as a grid? What do the axes in k-space mean?
- What is the meaning of negative frequencies? I don't understand how kx and ky can have negative values.
- How does k-space relate to field-of-view (FOV) and pixel width?
- How does one obtain a rectangular field of view? Why would you want to use it?
- What is partial Fourier imaging?
- How does phase-conjugate symmetry work? Why is it used?
- What is read-conjugate symmetry (fractional echo) imaging? Why would one only want to sample part of an echo?
- Why don't you combine the read conjugate symmetry and phase conjugate symmetry techniques? That way you really save time by collecting only 1/4 the k-space data.
- A option called ZIP is available for some sequences. Is this a type of file compression?
Advanced k-space Topics