K-Space (Basic)
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Basic k-space Q&A's
- What is k-space?
- If the points in k-space don't correspond to points in the image, what do they mean?
- What does the letter "k" stand for?
- What do you mean by spatial frequency?
- Exactly where are the spatial frequencies are located in k-space?
- Where do you get the data to fill k-space?
- I don't understand how you can simply plug the digitized MR signal data directly into k-space. How are these points the same as spatial frequency?
- What is spin-warp imaging? Isn't this just "regular" MRI?
- Why does k-space have a big spot in the middle?
- You alluded to different trajectories for filling k-space. What are they?
- Why would you want to use a radial k-space sampling method?
Basic k-space Topics